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( uste izan)

  • 1 uste izan

    ( du/ad.)
    a. to believe, think; beste norbait zela \uste izan nuen I believed it was someone else | I believe it to be someone else ; eta baldin \uste izan baduzu edo sinesten buduzu obligatu zarela konplitzera and if you think or believe yourself obliged to comply; \uste izanrik gabe ala \uste izan izanik egin duzu hori? did you do that unintentionally or intentionally?; \uste izan ez zuten zakurrak zaunka egin dio a dog he didn't expect barked at him
    b. ( sinetsi) to believe, expect; gutxien \uste izan duzunean when you least expect it
    c. ( irudikatu) to imagine, suppose; \uste izan zen erraza, baina ez da hala izan it was thought it'd be easy but it wasn't like that
    2. ( zain egon) to await; saindu batek bezala hil \uste izan duenak one who is awaiting death like a saint ; biharko \uste izan ditugu bi adiskide we're awaiting two friends for tomorrow

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > uste izan

  • 2 Uste izan

    pensar, suponer, opinar, creer

    Glosario Euskera Español > Uste izan

  • 3 uste

    1. ( iritzi, aburu) opinion, view, belief; hori da jendearen \ustea that's public opinion; zer da zure \ustea? what is your opinion?; \uste txarrean daukat I don't think much of him; bat dut \ustea alderki horrek hauteskundeak irabaziko dituela I am of the opinion that that party will win the elections; ene \ustearen arabera as I look at it; nire \ustez egia da in my opinion it's true \uste {bereko || berdineko || bateko} izan to be of the same opinion \uste hutsal groundless opinion; \uste oker mistaken opinion
    2. ( konfidantza) trust, confidence; \uste {osoa || betea} full confidence; hala ere, izan dezagun \uste osoa gure buruzagiarengan nevertheless let us trust our leader; \uste oneko trustworthy; Jaunarengan \uste on du he trusts in the Lord; ez dut \usterik gizonengan I trust no man; \uste osarekin fully trusting; \uste osoan naiz egingo duzuela I am fully confident that you will do it
    a. hope; \ustearen aurka \uste izanik hoping against hope; \uste izpirik ez dute they don't have any hope; \uste hutsal vain hope
    b. \usterik gutxien denan when you least expect it; \uste barik unexpectedly
    4. ( asmoa) motive; \uste bikoitzaz with an ulterior motive; \uste eginarekin on purpose
    5. ( ideia, burutapena) idea, notion \uste garbi clear idea; ez eta \ustez ere not even in my thoughts; horiek etxerako \usterik ez daukate; horiek lotara orduko, hamaikak bai they've got no intention of going home; by the time they go to bed it will be eleven
    6. ( xedea) purpose; \ustea gauza bat, eta aurrera eroatea beste bat purpose is one thing, progress is another

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > uste

  • 4 aipu izan

    1. to talk; hura zen hemen \aipu izan\\\aipu izandugun gizona he was the man we were referring to here; haiek, aldiz, uste izan zute lo egitez zuela \aipu izan they, in turn, thought he was talking about sleeping
    2. ( aipatu) to mention, make mention of; Gatesen izena nonahi \aipu izan\\\aipu izanzen Gates' name was a household word

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > aipu izan

  • 5 espero izan

    [ du/ad. ]
    1. to hope; etorriko zarela \espero izan dut I hope (that) you come
    2. to expect; guztiok \espero izan genuen lehendakari izatera iritsiko zela we all expected that he would get to be president; erantzunik \espero izan ez duten galderak questions which are not expected to be answered; \espero izan baino defizit txikiagoa izan da it was an unexpectedly small deficit
    Jakingarria: To expect erabiltzen dugu, espero dena logikoa eta litekeena baldin bada: there was more traffic than I expected Uste nuen baino trafiko gehiago zegoen To hope aditzaz baliatzen gara, zerbait gertatzea nahi baldin badugu: I hope you do well ongi egingo duzula espero dut

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > espero izan

  • 6 eduki

    1. content; alkohol \edukia alcohol content
    2. contents
    3. ( mamia) contents; hitzarmenaren \edukia sekretua da the contents of the agreement are a secret du/ad.
    1. ( i-k e-r izan) to have; liburu asko dauzkat nire gelan I've got a lot of books in my room ; horretarako baimenik al daukazu? have you got permission for that?; gaur ez daukagu klaserik we have no class today | we're not having class today
    2. gose \eduki = gose izan ; bero \eduki = beroak egon ; hamabost urte dauzkat = hamabost urte ditut
    Jakingarria: Eduki aditzak "sentitu" edo "nabaritu" adierazten duenean, ingelesa tradiziozko euskara bezala da eta ez gaztelaniak eragindakoa bezala Gosea daukat = gose naiz = I am hungry Egarria daukat = egarri naiz = I am thirsty beroa daukat = beroak nago = I am hot
    3. ( eutsi) to hold; eskuan zeukan he was holding it in his hand; \edukizu! hold on!; aztore bat eskuan zeukan he was holding a falcon in his hand
    a. to keep; hainbat denboraz estalirik \eduki zuten ustelkeria the corruption that they had kept under cover for so long ; gau guztia lorik egon gabe \edukitzen gaituen kezka horiek those worries which keep us up all night
    b. 30 urtez espetxean usteltzen \eduki zituzten they let them rot in prison for 30 years | they kept them rotting in prison for 30 years
    5. ( nor beregan izan) to hold back, keep; guztia bere bihotzean zeukan he kept everything inside him
    6. ( uste izan) to presume, believe, understand, surmise; egingo lukeela daukat I presume he'd do it | munduak hala ez badauka ere even though the world does not believe so
    7. ( ontzi batek) to hold, contain; limosnak \edukitzeko ontzi bat a box to hold alms | a box to hold alms in
    8. ( -tzat) to consider, take for; ergeltzat zauzkate they take you for a fool | they consider you (to be) a fool
    9. Kartak. enbido! — hamar gehiago — \eduki! I bid! — another ten — you're on!
    10. ( + -ta, -rik) txapela jantzita zeukan he has his beret on; filme hori ikusita daukat I've seen that film; buruz ikusita daukat I've got it memorized
    a. (G) ( + -tzea) badaukat hori egitea I can do that; egitea zeneukan! you could have done it!
    b. (G) ( + - tzerik) ez daukat hori egiterik I can't do that; ez daukagu hara joaterik we can't go there; ba al daukat hara joaterik? can I go there?
    12. ( geldiarazi) to stop, hold, prevent, impede; ez dakit zer naukan I don't know what's holding me
    13. (G) ( moldatu, ongi ibili) to get on (GB), get along (USA) ; elkar ondo daukate they get on well Oharra: eduki duten esaerak aurkitzeko, bila itzazu izenaren, adjektiboaren eta abarren adieran, adib., nazkatuta naukate aurkitzeko, bila ezazu nazkatu adieran
    Jakingarria: Betiko galdera: noiz to have eta noiz to have got ? To have got maizago agertzen da eta ez du "do / does" beharrik ezezkoan edo galderazkoan. Ez daukat libururik I haven't got a book Problemarik ba al daukazu? Have you got a problem? Hala ere, got hitza soil-soilik agertzen da orainaldietan. Gaur egun, ingelesezko dialekto gehien-gehienetan, to have "do / does / did" aditzez balia daiteke ezezkoan eta galderazkoan He doesn't have any money Ez du dirurik Do you have any money? Dirurik ba al duzu? Zenbait dialektotan, Hego Ingalaterran batik ba t, I haven't a car esaten da.

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > eduki

  • 7 egin

    [from *e-gi-n] iz.
    1. act; Apostoluen E\eginak Acts of the Apostles
    2. ( ondorioa) effect, consequence; \eginak eragilea du lehen there is no effect without cause | things don't happen by themselves
    3. fact; \egina dela {eta || bide} by that very fact | ipso facto du/ad.
    a. ( oro.) to do ; \egin ezazu nahi duzuna do as you please; ez dakit zer egin I don't know what to do; zer egiten duzu hor? what are you doing there? ; ez dakit zer \egin I don't know what to do; ikasleek ariketa \egin zuten the students did the exercise
    b. ( burutu) to do, execute, carry out; \egin dugu gure eginkizuna we've done what we set out to do
    c. (+ -(r)ekin) to do; esango al diguk, babo horrek, zer egin behar dugun hirekin? will you tell us, you fool, what we're going to do with you?
    a. ( oro.) to make, create; irakasleak ariketak egin zituen the teacher made (up) the exercises Oharra: ikus adibideak make sarreran
    b. Tek. to make, manufacture
    c. ( etxea) to build, construct, make
    d. (l an, irudi) to make, fashion; mahai bat \egin zuen he made a table
    e. ( bihurtu) to make; alkate \egin dute they've made him mayor
    3. ( prestatu, gertu, gauzatu)
    a. to make, prepare; bidea \egin to make way
    b. ( ohea) to make
    c. ( galdera) to ask; "maiz egiten diren galderak" Inform. "frequently asked questions"
    c. ( afari, bazkari) to make, put (GB), pose
    d. ( maleta, balisa) to pack
    e. ( apustu, dema) to lay, make
    f. ( gorbata) to tie
    g. ( tratu) to make
    4. ( beste aditzak ordezkatzeko) to do; esan zidaten hori prestatzeko eta \egin nuen they told me to prepare it and I did; garbitu al zara? Bai, ni egin naiz, zoaz zu ere egitera! have you washed yourself? I have so you go and do so too!
    5. ( itxura egin) inorena \egin to act like; inozoarena egin to act like a fool | to act the fool; gaiztoarena \egin to act the {villain || bad guy (USA) Lagunart. } | to play the part of the villain; gaztearena egiten duten zaharrak old people who act like young people; Garikoitzek, Charlotenak egiten dituenean, barrez lehertzekoa izaten da when Garikoitz imitates Charlie Chaplin he is absolutely hilarious
    6. Met. to be; euria egiten duenean when it rains; hotza egiten du hemen it's cold here
    7. ( aditz elkartuak egiteko, normalean ez da itzultzen)
    a. ( + iz.) barre \egin to laugh; hitz \egin to speak; lan \egin to work; lo \egin to sleep ; zin \egin to swear
    b. (+ adb.) atzera \egin to go back, get back; aurrera \egin to go ahead, make headway
    c. ( kontu egin) to suppose; \egin dezagun (kontu) gizon errugabe bat hil dutela... let's suppose that they've killed an innocent man...
    a. ( apustu egin) to bet; mila euro \egingo nuke baietz I'd bet a thousand euros it is ; ezetz egiten diat I bet it isn't; burua \egin nuke ez direla garaiz helduko I'd bet my life they won't arrive on time
    b. ( hitz egin) to speak; ongi egiten dute euskaraz they speak Basque well
    c. ( erabaki egin) to decide; \egin dute bihar bilduko direla they have decided to meet tomorrow; \egin dute elkarri idatzeko they have agreed to write each other
    d. ( kotizatu) to perform; zer \egin\\\egin dolarrak? what did the dollar do?
    e. ( joko egin) to play; musean \egin play mus; \egingo al dugu kartetan? shall we play cards?
    f. ( bide egin) i. ( jo) to head for; ezkerrera \egin zuen he veered to the left ii. ( igaroz) zelai eta mendiak \egin zituen atzerritik bere etxera he went across meadows and mountains abroad to get to his house
    9. ( bukatu) nireak \egin du I've had it | my number's up Lagunart. ; hireak \egin dik you've had it!
    10. (G) ( erein) to sow
    11. ( uste izan) to think, believe; neska laguna zela \egin nuen I took her for your girlfriend | I thought she was your girlfriend
    12. ( begiratu) to look out; leiho horrek plazara egiten du that window looks out on the square da/ad.
    1. to become; apaiza \egin zen he became a priest
    2. ( iruditu) [ zaio ] to seem, look; zaila egiten zait hori sinestea it's hard for me to believe that
    3. ( ohitu) to get used (- ra: to) ; azkenean lanera \egin zen finally he got used to the job
    4. ( kokatu) to be located, be; non egiten da herri hori? where is that town located? Oharra: egin duten esaerak aurkitzeko, bila itzazu izenaren, adjektiboaren eta abarren adieran, adib., hitz egin aurkitzeko, bila ezazu hitz adieran
    1. (B) ( + -ke) hori egin da(g)iket I can do that; eroan e(g)izu! take it away!
    a. ( du/ad.) to do; beste guztiak itsutu \egin al ditu? has it blinded all the rest?
    b. ( da/ad.) zer esan du?— joan \egingo direla esan du what did he say? — he said they would go

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > egin

  • 8 estimatu

    du/ad. to appreciate; eskerrik asko, estimatzen da thank-you, I appreciate it; eskerrik asko, estimatzen dizut etortzea thank you, I appreciate your coming; estimatzekoa da zuk egin duzun guztia everything that you have done is worthy of appreciation
    2. ( uste izan) to deem, believe; beharrezko zela \estimatu nuen I deemed it necessary
    3. ( handietsi, e.a.) to appreciate, feel for; Txomin anitz estimatzen dut I really appreciate Txomin

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > estimatu

  • 9 sinetsi

    [from zin (oath) + etsi (consider as, regard)] du/ad.
    a. to believe ni \sinetsi nahi banauzu if you will believe me
    b. [ dio ] sinisten dizut I believe you
    2. ( zertan) to believe; Jainkoarengan sinesten dut I believe in God
    3. ( -tzat hartu) to consider; ez dut nik inoiz ere hori ontzat \sinetsiko I shall never believe that to be good
    4. ( uste izan) to believe, think; ez nuen \sinetsiko munduan zegoela zu bazain gizon gogorrik I never would have thought there was a man as tough as you are
    5. ( obeditu) to obey, heed: ez nau \sinetsi nahi he won't obey me

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > sinetsi

  • 10 egon

    a. to be; txoria kaiolan dago the bird is in the cage; txoria kaiolan egoten da the bird is usually in the cage ; bi urte \egon zen African he was two years in Africa; Roosevelt Etxe Zurian \egon zen 15 urtez Roosevelt was in the White House for 15 years
    b. ( etxean) to be in, be at home; Amaia al dago? is Amaia {in || there}?; kanpoan dago she's {out || away}
    c. ( egoera, osasunari d.) to be; ondo zaude? are you {well || all right}?
    d. ( kokatu) to stand, be; Udaletxea enparantza nagusian dago the Town Hall {stands || is} in the main square
    a. ( egoera adierazten duen izenari d.) ados \egon to agree; eri \egon to be sick; gatibu daudenak those who are held captive
    b. ( adb. bati d.) bizirik \egon to be alive; lotan \egon to be asleep; bi orduz \egon dira zain they've been waiting for two hours
    c. to be; dagoen dagoenean as it is; zegoen zegoenean utzi zuen he left is as it was
    c. ( + -ta, -a, -rik) egina dago it's done; dena ongi antolatuta dago everything is well organized; paperean bilduta dago it's wrapped in paper; asko ikasia nago I've learnt a lot
    a. ( iraun) to remain, be, stay, keep on idatzi izan dut, eta lehengoan nago oraindik, uste hori ez dela zuzena I've written about it and I still believe that conviction is wrong; ni oraindik lehenean nago I still feel the same way as before ; gauden euskaldunak! let us stay Basque!
    b. ( itxaron) to wait; \egon pixkat! wait a moment!
    4. ( atxiki) [ -(r)i ]
    a. to go with, correspond to; eltze estalki hau dagokio the lid goes with that pot; oinetako honi dagokion laguna the mate that goes with this shoe; erakunde horri dagokion dirulaguntza the aid {which corresponds || corresponding} to that organization
    b. ( egokia izan) to befit, correspond to; Haren izen santuari dagokionez as befitting His holy name; auzi honi dagokionez, hau da nire iritzia as far as this matter {is concerned || goes}, this is my opinion; haur nintzenean, haurrari dagokionez hitz egiten nuen when I was a child I spoke as {that befitting a child || like a child}
    c. ( aipatu) to refer to; horri nagokio that's what I'm referring to; Atxagak idatzi duen liburuari nagokiola, nik... in referring to the book written by Atxaga, I...
    5. (+ -tzen) Lagunart. to be ; hori egiten zeudek they're doing that
    6. (I)
    a. ( uste ukan) to believe, be confident; (ba)nago irabaziko dutela I'm confident that they'll win | I believe that they'll win; banengoen, ba! I thought so!
    b. ( nor bere buruari galdetu) to wonder; (ba)nago nola ez diren galtzen I wonder how they don't get lost
    7. ( nor gabe, pertsonarik gabe)
    a. ( informazio berria ematen denean) there + be; mahai gainean katu bat dago there is a cat on the table; mahai gainean katu batzuk daude there are cats on the table; mahai gainean katu bat zegoen there was a cat on the table ; mahai gainean katu bat egongo da \\ litzateke there will \\ would be a cat on the table; ez dago bananarik there aren't any bananas; jende asko zegoen bileran there were many people at the meeting
    b. ( + -tze) badago hori egitea (G) that can be done; ez dago hori egiterik that can't be done; hara joaterik ez dago there's no going there | you can't go there
    c. ez dago esan beharrik it goes without saying
    8. ( joera ukan) to tend, incline; nora dago zure iritzia? how are you inclined about it? | what are your leanings? Oharra: egon duten esaerak aurkitzeko, bila itzazu izenaren, adjektiboaren eta abarren adieran, adib., pozik egon aurkitzeko, bila ezazu pozik adieran

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > egon

  • 11 norbera

    1. oneself; \norbera nolako, besteak uste halako as you see yourself so will others see you; karitate egiazkoa hasten, bada, \norberarengadik true charity starts with oneself; galdetuko duzu: \ldblquote Nola ikasten da \norbera maitatzen?" you may ask, \ldblquote How do I learn to like myself?" ; lagun hurkoa \norbera bezala help your neighbour as you would yourself; \norbera bizi den etxeari ez dio inork su ematen nobody sets fire to the house they themselves are living in; nork jakin dezake bere bihotz-barrenkoa \norberak baino hobeto? who can know the innermost recesses of one's heart better than oneself?; \norberaren kaltean izan arren even if it goes against one's interests; arazoak: \norberarenak eta besterenak problems: one's own and those of others; euskara \norberaren \ldblquote ama hizkuntza" dela uste badu norbaitek, ez da zaila izan behar ikasketak euskaraz egitea if someone believes Basque to be one's own \ldblquote mother tongue", it shouldn't be hard to pursue one's studies in Basque; \norberaren gogoz kontra ezkontzea ez da bidezkoa it is not right to marry against one's will
    2. ( bakoitza) each one; poesian \norberak bere hizkera du in poetry each one has his or her voice

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > norbera

  • 12 asmo

    a. ( xedea) aim, intention; e-r egiteko \asmoa izan (du/ad.) to intend to do sth; Lazkaora joan zen, euskara ikasteko \asmotan he went to Lazkao intent on learning Basque; bere burua nabarmentzeko \asmorik gabe not intent on being too noticeable ; beste \asmoz esan dut I had something else in mind ; \asmo oneko well-intentioned; \asmo onez with good intentions; \asmo txarreko ill-intentioned
    b. ( plana) etxerako \asmorik ez du he has no plans to go home | he doesn' t have any intention of going home | he doesn' t intend to go home; \asmoa hartu to plan, intend
    2. scheme, design; azkenean hutsean gelditu zen \asmoa in the end the scheme came to nothing
    3. (B) ( amarru) scheme, intention; hori egiteko \asmoa du he intends to do that
    4. ( asmaketa) invention
    5. (NG-Baztan) guess, conjecture
    6. (B) ( amarru) scheme, intention; hori egiteko \asmoa du he intends to do that
    7. ( sena) instinct
    8. (I) ( uste, iritzi, aburu) opinion, persuadion, view
    9. ( gogoeta) thought; \asmo txarrak bad thoughts; i-en \asmoak iragarri to read sb' s thoughts
    10. ( aitzaki) excuse, rationalization, justification

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > asmo

  • 13 berendia

    iz. so-and-so; urlia, sendia, eta \berendia any Tom, Dick, or Harry; urliaren, sendiaren edo \berendia aren gauzak lapurtzen dituzte they steal what belongs to anybody; ez dago urliaren, sendiaren eta \berendiaren uste guztiak kontuan hartzerik not every opinion of every Tom, Dick, and Harry can be taken into account adb.
    a. ( sing.) per se, in itself
    b. (pl.) inherently, intrisically, in their own right; \berendia gaiztoak izan arren although they are intrinsically evil
    2. \berendia beren independent; \berendia beren dira Lasarte eta Donostia Lasarte and Donostia are independent (of each other)

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > berendia

  • 14 estu

    1. Med. congestion; bular \estu tightness in the chest | difficulty in breathing; sudur(retako) \estu nasal congestion
    2. tight spot, difficulty, predicament; \estuan aurkitu ziren they found themselves in a tight spot
    3. Lagunart. urge; kaka \estu da he's feels like crapping
    4. \estuak fully-fashioned stockings io.
    1. ( ez zabala) narrow; onera bidea \estu izaten da the road to righteousness is usually narrow
    a. ( ez lasaia) uneasy, apprehensive, distressed; \estu eta larri dago she's all bothered and nervous | she's a nervous wreck; \estu dago he's in a {tight spot || jam || bind}
    b. ( arnasa) difficult; arnasa \estua dauka aitonak grandpa's having difficulty breathing
    a. dense, compact, solid
    b. ( idazkera) cramped
    c. ( programa) tight
    d. ( bete-bete) full, packed, crammed
    e. ( ehuna, sarea) tightly-woven
    4. ( bizimodua) impoverished, indigent, poverty-stricken
    a. ( soinekoa, arropa, jantzia, e.a.) tight; gerri \estua a tight belt
    b. ( korapiloa) tight
    6. ( egoera) tense
    7. ( larria) urgent
    a. ( eginbeharrei d.) strict, stern; irakasle hori \estuegia dela uste dut I think that teacher is too strict
    b. ( araua) rigorous, harsh, strict
    c. ( neurri) strict; \estu estuak hartu behar dira strict measures must be taken
    d. ( debeku) strict, absolute
    a. ( adiskidetasuna, e.a.) strong, close; elkarrekin dituzten harreman \estuak the close relationship they have
    c. ( besarkada) big adb.
    1. tight, tightly; \estu {eho || bilbatu} to weave tightly; ezpatari \estu heldu to hold on tightly to one's sword
    2. ( seriotasunez) harshly, seriously; \estu agindu nien horrelakorik ez egiteko I ordered them in no uncertain terms not to do such a thing
    a. ( bizi izan) in distress, in anguish, apprehensively; nora zoaz, gizona, horren \estu? where are you going, my good fellow, in such distress
    b. ( kezkaturik) uptight; \estu egongo gara haien berriak jakin arte we'll be uptight until we hear from them
    c. hard up; \estu nabil familiari behar duena emateko I'm hard put to give my family what they need; \estu eta larri ari ziren haren haserrea lasaitzeko they were hard put to calm her temper down
    4. e-r \estu hartu to take sth to heart
    5. \estu erabili to hound, persue relentlessly du/ad.
    1. to tighten
    2. ( lotu) to tie ( -z: with) da/ad. to grow anguished, become uptight

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > estu

  • 15 etzan

    1. (Bot.) procumbent, prostrate
    2. Inform. cursive
    1. to lay down; \etzanda jar ezazu liburu hori lay that book down
    2. to lay; amak sehaskan \etzan du umetxoa the mother laid the little baby in the crib da/ad.
    a. to lie down; \etzan! lie down!; lurrean \etzan to lie on the ground; ohean \etzan zaitez! lie down on the bed!; ohean datzan eria the patient lying in bed; hondartzan \etzanda dago she's lying on the beach ; amak haurra \etzanda utzi zuen lurrean the mother laid the child down on the ground; lo zetzan he lay asleep; ehundaka hilda zezaten thousands lay dead; luze-luze \etzanda lying sprawled out
    b. ( hilerrian, e.a.) to lie; hemen datza Jesse James here lies Jesse James Oharra: ikus oharra lie2 sarreran
    a. ( izan) to be; horretan datza arazoa therein lies the problem | that's where the problem is; hor datza zentzuaren zentzua therein lies the sense of it all; horretan datza gure etorkizuna therein lies our future ; zertan datza auzia? what's all the controversy about?; paperean datza it has been recorded; hori egia dela, zazpigarren orrialdean datza on page seven it is recorded as true
    b. ( kokatu) to be located, be, lie; Mongolia Asian datza Mongolia is in Asia
    c. ( oinarritu) to rest, lie; nire uste ona zure ontasunea datza my high regard for you rests on your goodness
    3. ( eguzkia) to set; etzatera doan eguzkia the setting sun

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > etzan

  • 16 fede

    a. Kristau. faith; F\fede Katolikoa the Catholic Faith; \fedeaz arnegatu to renounce one's faith; kristau \fede Christian faith; ikazkinaren \fedea blind faith
    b. islamiar \fede Islamic faith
    2. ( uste on) confidence, trust; i-en \fede osokoa izan to be sb's right hand man
    3. (sekta, konfesio) religion, faith
    4. ( bere gain hartutako hitza) faith, believe; \fede on i. ( zintzotasuna) sincerity ii. ( asmo ona) good intention; \fede onez in good faith; \fede txarrez in bad faith; \fede gabe treacherously, perfidiously
    5. (esa.) ala \fede! Good Lord!

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > fede

  • 17 jabetu

    du/ad. formala. to give possession of; hiltzerakoan, \jabetu ninduen Errezilgo baserri bat upon his death he gave me possession of a farmhouse in Errezil da/ad.
    a. to gain possession, get a hold (- z: of) ;
    b. -z berriz \jabetu to regain; gureaz \jabetu gara we've got what's ours; ez daukat haren hitzez jabetzea beste biderik I can only take him for his word
    b. ( nagusitu, menperatu) to take over, conquer; Josue Jerikoz \jabetu zenean when Joshua {took || conquered} Jericho; e-z indarrez \jabetu to take sth by force
    d. ( hizkuntza) to master
    a. ( atzeman, ulertu) to grasp, understand, discern; ez dakit zure arrazoibideaz ongi \jabetu naizen I can't quite understand your reasoning | I don't know if I understand your reasoning quite right; nire euskalduntasuna zer den ez nintzen \jabetu harik eta beste herriak ikusi nituen artean I didn't comprehend my condition as a Basque until I visited other countries
    b. ( jakin) -z \jabetu to learn of, hear of, find out about, get to know about; espioien bidez \jabetu zen, etsaia bi aldetatik zetorkiola he learned from spies that the enemy was coming upon him from two directions
    c. ( konturatu) to realize, become aware of; beren indarrez eta sendotasunez \jabetu orduko as soon as he was aware of their strength and might
    3. ( uste osoa izan) to be persuaded, find; ez dela etorriko \jabetu naiz I'm persuaded that he won't come;" Erregea eta Ni" obrako Anna-k bezala, jabetzen naiz "doinu alai" bat txistuka jotzeak, eta abesteak — batez ere bakarrik nagoenean — gogoa argitzen didatela like Anna in "The King and I", I find whistling "a happy tune" and singing — especially when I am alone! — can also lighten my spirits

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > jabetu

  • 18 lauzkatu

    1. ( idiak, zaldiak) to team... up in fours; \lauzkatu behar izan genituen idiak we had to yoke four oxen to it
    2. ( lagundu) to help
    3. ( ugaritu) to increase; kantuaren indarra \lauzkatuz doa, irratiaren eta telebistaren bidez the the effectiveness of the song is on the increase by its exposure on radio and television
    4. Lagunart. ( aurkitu) to draft, get; zertako uste duk \lauzkatu hautela batzordeburu? \endash Beste inork ez dik nahi what do you think you've been drafted as head of the committee for? \endash No one else wants to

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > lauzkatu

  • 19 oro

    1. ( izen-sintagma soila izanik) all; giputz eta euskaldun \orori to all Gipuzkoans and Basques; aldi eta alde \orotako kristauak Christians from every place and time ; zein da besta \orotako handiena? what is the greatest feast day of all?; maite zaitut bihotz \oroz I love you with all my heart; egun \orozko ihardunak every day activities
    a. ( izen-sintagmak -ak, -(e)k, -en e.a. hartzen dituela) all; gizonak \oro etorri dira all of the men have come; emakumeek \orok dakite hori all women know that ; gizon onek \orok behar luke kontuan hartu all good men should take it into account; haiez erruez \oroz hitz egin nahi zuten they wanted to talk about all their mistakes; gauzen \ororen kreatzaile (Z) creator of all things
    b. (Z) (NB) ( izen-sintagmak) ( -a, -k, -(r)en e.a. hartzen dituela) bere odola \oro isur beza may his blood spill
    3. ( erakuslearen ondo-ondoan) all of; hauek \oro bada zer dira? what, then, are all these?; haiei \orori to all of them | to all of those ; izan gaitezen zorigaitz horien \ororen beldur let us fear all those mishaps; herri horietan \orotan in all those towns; horietarik \orotarik zer ikasten dugu? what do we learn from all those? iz. ( izenordain gisa)
    1. ( guztiak, mundu guztia)
    a. all, everyone; etxera joan ginen \oro all of us went home | we all went home ; izuturik zeuzkala \oro keeping all of them frightened; errege, artzain eta soldadu, \oro badoaz lasterrez king, shepherd, and soldier, all (of them) are running; edozein beretzat eta Jainkoa \ororentzat (atsot.) each for himself and God for us all (atsot.) ; \ororen nahiz, \ororen gal (atsot.) grasp all, lose all (atsot.) ; \ororen adiskide dena ez da nehoren (atsot.) a friend to everybody is a friend to nobody (atsot.)
    b. ( erlatiboekin) gizon den \orok all those who are men
    2. ( dena, gauza guztiak)
    a. all, everything; \ororen \oro absolutely everything; \oroz gainetik above all
    b. \orotara hedatu da it's become generalized | it's spread everywhere
    c. \oro har all in all | in general | on the whole ; \oro har eta salbuesnak salbuespen generally and with the occasional exception; ez dut uste, \oro har, gaizki egin zutenik I don't think, on the whole, that they did badly; \ororen buruan in the end | in the final analysis ; \ororen gainetik above all else; \oroz gainetik above all else, first and foremost adb. all, totally; \oro naiz zurea I'm all yours

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > oro

  • 20 oso

    1. whole; \osoa hobe da erdia baino a whole is better than a half; bere \osoan in its entirety
    2. \osoan nago I still think the same way io.
    a. ( dena, zatitu gabe) whole, in one piece
    b. ( daukan guztia) entire, complete, whole; liburu \osoa irakurri zuen he read the whole book ; ogi \osoa jan omen zuen she is said to have eaten the entire loaf
    c. ( bete-bete, den-dena) full, whole; zaku \oso bat patata an entire sack of potatoes
    d. whole, entire; egun \osoan egon ziren zain they waited the whole day | they waited all day long; Euskal Herri \osoko erakundeak eta alderdiak institutions and parties for the whole Basque Country; bizitza \osorako saria a life-long stipend; mundu \osoan ibilitakoa da hura he's travelled the world over | he's travelled all over the world; mundu \osoak dakiena what the {entire || whole} world knows; lehen, urte \osoa ez zen sobera hemendik Txinara heltzeko before a whole year wasn't enough to get to China
    e. ( irendu gabe) uncastrated; zaldi \oso bat an uncastrated horse | stallion
    f. ( argitaldia, laburtu gabea) unabridged
    g. hamar urte \osoak egon nintzen han I was there for a full ten years
    a. full; eskubide \osoa dute hori egiteko they are in entirely {in their right || within their rights} to do that; uste \osoa full confidence
    b. ( kidea) full, full-fledged; euskal-tzain \osoa full-fledged member of the Basque Academy
    c. ( arrazoia) absolute; arrazoi \osoa duzu you're absolutely right
    d. ( bilkura) full, plenary; batzar \osoa plenary session
    e. ( isiltasun) absolute, total
    a. healthy, sound ; \oso direnek ez dute medikuren beharrik those who are healthy have no need of a doctor ; \osorik eta sendo dago he's hale and hearty | he's like a top
    b. ( zauritu gabe, e.a.) sound; \osorik eta sendo heldu ziren they arrived safe and sound
    a. ( akatsik gabe) perfect, impeccable, immaculate
    b. full, total, absolute; amnistia \osoa! total amnesty!
    5. ( zintzoa) forthright, upright
    6. (NG) ( ibilera geldoari d.) slow, sluggish, leisurely
    7. ( zorrotza) rigorous, severe, reserved, dour, harsh; ez izan \osoak, zuren buruaz hartuak don't be so rigorous, all wrapped up in yourselves adb.
    a. ( + io., adb.) very; \oso berandu very late; \oso ongi very well
    b. ( izen sintagmaren aurretik) very; oso neska polita da she's a very pretty girl ; \oso denbora laburrean in a very short time
    c. ( aditz bati d.) very; \oso atsegin zait I like it very much ; hara orduko ilundu zuen \oso by the time she got it there it had got completely dark; oinez etorri naiz eta nekatu naiz \oso I've walked here and I'm {very || absolutely} exhausted; \oso damuturik nago I very much regret it
    2. \oso eta bizi heart and soul | fully | totally ; bere ondasunaren jabe da, \oso eta oro he is the sole owner of his possessions
    3. completely, full; Txomin \oso sendatu zenean when Txomin was completely healed

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > oso

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